Given that yet another tragic and senseless shooting occurred last night in Lafayette, LA it may seem like I’m being callously opportunistic by posting this article today. But I have been working on this post for about a month now. And I am fed up. It’s time to speak out and do something about the excessive violence and culture of guns that exists in this country today.
We need to take action now to prevent any more events like Sandy Hook, Aurora, Chattanooga and now Lafayette from becoming shameful and commonplace entries in our countries history.
“Shooter in the Building”… that is the title of this month’s safety topic at my place of employment. Certainly these words get your attention. And in the context of current events they simultaneously send a shiver down my spine and send my heart rate soaring.
Now I will say that I believe my employer is truly concerned about my safety, the safety of my colleagues and that of our customers. They have demonstrated this in many other ways including providing reasonably priced health insurance and keeping the physical environment in which we run our business safe and hazard free... and deserve credit for doing so.
But the real irony of this particular situation is that my employer and the state of New Hampshire both allow people to walk into my workplace in possession of and openly wearing a handgun… unquestioned and unchallenged. While this may seem completely incongruous and hard to believe it is true. In fact to question anyone engaged in "open carry" as to motive, intent or the general wisdom of their actions would likely create a very uncomfortable public relations problem for everyone involved.
And in New Hampshire - as in the majority of other states in the US - it is within the "legal right" of the person engaging in open carry to do so. In fact only 5 of 50 states ban “open carry” and coincidence or not… all of the incidents mentioned about occurred in states that allow "open carry".
So what’s up here?
I will say right from the beginning that this topic is complex, controversial and politically charged. It involves presumed constitutional rights and privileges, state legislation and public opinion. It involves political action committees and pro-gun lobbies such as the NRA. It involves big money and big business. My position will probably offend some of those reading this. But my intention is not to offend… but rather encourage informed debate framed within the context of current events and common sense.
I also believe that sometimes the most complex issues and problems need to be thought of and analyzed in the simplest of terms. Over-thinking them often just leads to “analysis paralysis” and maintenance of the status quo. A situation we can not allow to go on any longer.
And while I recognize that everyone is entitled to their thoughts and opinions on both sides of this issue - I am appealing for anyone reading this to take a step back and look at the issue in terms of common sense. Not what is technically legal and without any political agenda... pro or con.
Personally my position after giving this a great deal of thought is that guns serve one of two purposes -- to kill and/or intimidate or for recreational purposes such as target shooting, hunting or collecting. Realistically what other reason is there to own a gun?
And for me the bigger question is - Do any of these legitimate (and legal) reasons for gun ownership require wearing it - if not flaunting it - in a public place such as the local supermarket, gas station or restaurant? Or any other public space, especially where families and children are present?
For me what it really gets down to is the issue of open carry. I’m not suggesting that we take guns away from people… I recognize that is realistically impossible and maybe not even desirable. But why does anyone other than someone involved in law enforcement feel it necessary to carry a gun out in the open for all to see?
Is it to make a statement? And if so… just what are you trying to say? That you are tougher than me? That I shouldn’t mess with you? That yours is bigger than mine? Or are you just simply trying to intimidate me? In any case I don’t really see that any of those are constructive statements or attitudes that will advance the cause of society. They’re more about simply trying to exercise power and control over another individual.
Which bring us to the single most often given reason in favor of open carry… "self-defense”. But even then wouldn’t it just be more prudent and smarter to avoid situations and confrontations that could result in violence? Often times there is more honor in avoiding confrontation than inadvertently becoming a contributing factor.
And as just as an interesting observation about human nature - I have to point out that I have never seen a women engaging in "open carry" in a public space. For whatever reason this truthfully seems to be a "guy thing". That’s not to say that there aren’t women who carry guns because I'm sure there are. It’s just that they appear to be more low-key about it… reaffirming my general belief that women are the smarter half of the human species.
In the end I think this whole issue of open carry and the right to own a gun isn’t about what’s legal… I think it’s about what’s morally “right”. It’s about what’s right in the context of current events, society as it exists in this country today and public opinion. It’s about honoring and respecting those who have lost their life in any of these tragic and violent events that occur far too often in our country. .
In this case it's not about what is legal... it's about what is right.
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